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Frequently asked questions


C-REX® LapAid® and C-REX® RectoAid®

Can C-REX® be used for laparoscopic surgery?

A: Yes, C-REX® LapAid® and RectoAid® can be used for laparoscopic surgery, as well as for open and robotic surgeries.


Where can C-REX® be used?

A: Descending colon and rectum.

A: C-REX® RectoAid® is designed for rectum and taTME resections, whereas LapAid® is designed for colon and upper rectum resections. C-REX® instruments are suitable for all types of anastomosis: end-to-end, end-to-side, and side-to-side.


Can C-REX® be used when putting down a stoma on left colon?

A: Yes, C-REX® can be used on any stoma in colon.


Can C-REX® be used in patients with diverticulitis?

A: Yes, C-REX® can be used on any type of anastomosis in colon. However, diverticulitis thickens the intestinal wall, whereas
C-REX®, as well as staplers, should preferably be used on normal tissue. The decision of resection line is always important for successful surgical outcome.


For how long time does the anastomotic ring  stay in the body?

A: The rings are naturally expelled with faeces 10 ± 2 days
after the surgery.


Does the patient have to stay in hospital until the ring come out?

A: No, the ring does not affect the time when the
patient can go home.


Can C-REX® RectoAid® be used in lower rectum?

A: Yes, C-REX® RectoAid® is specially designed for surgery on lower rectal resections as well as for taTME.


Have health authorities reviewed C-REX®?

A: Yes, all C-REX® devices are CE-marked in Europe.

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