The start 2006
CarpoNovum is founded by
two colorectal surgeons
Prof. Henrik Thorlacius, MD, PhD and
Anders Grönberg, MD, PhD, engineer
Award 2006
CarpoNovum received
Öhrlings Price Water House Coopers and LUIS Innovation awards
Award 2007
CarpoNovum received the
national Skapa
Development Award
Award 2007
CarpoNovum received the
award for the most successful company in the Connect
Sweden network

CE 2011
CARP®, predecessor
of C-REX®, received
CE marking
Developing 2011-2018
C-REX® device family was developed, clinical studies were conducted in Sweden, Denmark and China.

CE 2018
CE marking of the
C-REX® family

Scandinavian CCS 2020
A subsidiary of CarpoNovum AB,
is formed for surgical
education and
clinical practice.
Clinical trial in Malmö,
Sweden 2023
Investigator initiated study successfully finalized, see article.

Anders Grönberg
Henrik Thorlacius
Otto Drakenberg
Chairman of the Board
Otto Drakenberg is a Stockholm based Chairman of
the Board with extensive experience leading complex transformations in a range of industry sectors such
as consumer goods, retail, consumer service and technology. Otto is the chairman of the board of Spendrups Brewery, Svegro and Sisjö Intressenter and was until 2022 Group CEO of Scandi Standard. His former operational roles include CEO of Carlsberg Sweden, Group CEO of the Nordic wine and liquor group Arcus, Chairman of the Board and leader of the reconstruction and sale of the retail chain Twilfit, Group CEO of Moment Group.

Lars Johansson
Member of the Board
Lars Johansson Brings 30 years of experience from the medtech and pharmaceutical industry, including 13 years as General Manager for Johnson & Johnson in the Nordics. Lars has a track record of being an extraordinary leader and his experience covers all strategic and operational aspects of bringing innovative treatments to patients.

Björn Olsen
Member of the Board
Björn Olsen Professor and Senior Consultant of Infectious Diseases since 2007 at Uppsala University and Academic Hospital. Olsen's scientific publication has (2022) according to Google Scholar over 15,000 citations and an h-index of 60. He is also an ornithologist and expert in bird-borne diseases, including bird flu. In 2010, he published the book "Pandemic". Olsen was the summer host 2006 and 2020 at one of the Swedish radio channels.

Anna Martling, prof.
Chair of Advisory Board
Clinical advisor
Anna Martling is a Professor of Surgery at Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden. She defended her thesis on rectal cancer in 2003, became a board certified surgeon in 2004 and an associate professor of surgery in 2009. In 2014 Martling became full professor of surgery. Since 2019 she holds the position as Dean at Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm.
She is considered to be a world leading expert in her field and is a frequent lecturer in Sweden and abroad. Professor Martling is Honorary Fellow of Royal College of Surgeon of England, (FRCS), American Colleges of Surgeons (FACS) and American Society of Colorectal Surgeons (FASCRS). Professor Martling is chairman of the Swedish Colorectal Cancer Study Group, which is a national research network for colorectal cancer in Sweden. Professor Martling has received numerous awards for her research within the colorectal field and in 2023 she was appointed honorary member of the European Society of Coloproctology (ESCP) which is awarded to individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to the field of coloproctology.
Photo from Karolinska Institutet.

Torbjörn Holm, prof.
Clinical advisor
Former surgical professor at Karolinska Institutet, specialising in colorectal surgery. He has brought significant contributions to the development of the multidisciplinary treatment of colorectal cancer in Sweden.

Dr. Amir Szold
Clinical Advisor
Amir Szold is a senior surgeon who has worked with alternative anastomosis devices for many years, and an entrepreneur who has been involved in numerous medical device start-up companies that have been acquired by J&J, Stryker, STI, and Bard, among others. He is currently Chairman, co-founder and Medical Director of Assia Medical Group, and CMO and co-founder of Human Xtensions.

Dr. Michele Diana
Clinical Advisor
Michele Diana is a surgeon and translational (“bench to bedside”) scientist in new surgical technologies, with expertise in medical device design and development. Research interests include image-guided surgery, surgical robotics and surgical applications of machine and deep learning. He has experience with alternative anastomosis methods, including experiments with magnetic anastomosis.
He is currently engaged in entrepreneurial ventures with the aim of closing the gap between academia and market.

Matt McKittrick
Regulatory Advisor
Matt McKittrick is a medical device executive with years of experience leading marketing, sales, product management and revenue generation strategies for companies such as Momentis Surgical, CytoVeris Inc., Stryker, Novadaq Technologies and Olympus America. Matt is currently VP of Sales and Marketing at Activ Surgical, a leader in advanced imaging techniques in surgical applications.

Will Rutan
Regulatory Advisor
Will Rutan is an accomplished start-up executive in the medical device industry. He has a proven track record in steering regulatory approval processes, and is an expert in strategic positioning, fundraising, marketing and sales strategies, design and development oversight, and market penetration strategies.


Johan Stein
Financial advisor
Lecturer and researcher at Stockholm School of Economics for 10 years. He gained a doctorate degree in 2011, later named docent and professor. Has been Head of research and portfolio manager at a number of hedge funds and with Nordea Investment Management. Also has experience from Alfred Berg and BNP Paribas.
Christophe Genetay
Financial advisor and Head of Investor Relations
M.Sc. Civ Eng. and has 25 years experience in the financial industry, working with listed and non-listed companies. Former head of training at the Swedish Council for small investors. Since 2013 been engaged with Investor Relations across various industries.

Quality and Regulatory
C-REX® devices are CE-marked in Europe. Regulatory approval has been achieved by complying with Medical Device Directive 93/42/EC as Class IIa devices and CarpoNovum holds a certificate of current version of EN ISO 13485.
Quality policy
All team members of CarpoNovum are committed to improve lives of people undergoing colorectal surgery, by providing high-quality, safe and effective products and services that meet our customers’ needs, with focus on continual improvement, by:
having a close collaboration with leading surgeons and health care professionals
complying with all applicable regulatory requirements
continually improving the effectiveness of our Quality Management System
periodically reviewing the performance of the Quality Management System and our Quality Objectives
communicating this Quality Policy to all team members, subcontractors and suppliers to assure that it is understood and implemented